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John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - 2006)

John Kenneth Galbraith was an influential Canadian-American economist. He was a Keynesian and an institutionalist, a leading proponent of 20th-century American liberalism and progressivism. His books on economic topics were bestsellers in the 1950s and 1960s.
Galbraith was a prolific author who produced four dozen books and over a thousand articles on various subjects. Among his most famous works was a popular trilogy on economics, "American Capitalism" (1952), "The Affluent Society" (1958), and "The New Industrial State" (1967).
He taught at Harvard University for many years. Galbraith was active in politics, serving in the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson; and among other roles served as U.S. ambassador to India under Kennedy.
He was one of a few two-time recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He received one from President Truman in 1946 and another from President Bill Clinton in 2000.
He was also awarded the Order of Canada in 1997 and, in 2001, the Padma Vibhushan, India's second highest civilian award, for his contributions to strengthening ties between India and the United States.

das Gehalt eines leitenden Angestellten einer großen Firma ist nicht der Lohn für erreichte Leistungen. Es ist häufig wie eine warmherzige persönliche Geste dieser Person an sich selbst
der einzige Zweck von Wirtschaftsprognosen besteht darin, der Astrologie ein seriöses Ansehen zu verpassen
in der Finanzwirtschaft irrt sich die Mehrheit immer
nur wenige Dinge sind so unveränderich wie politische Gruppen an den Ideen hängen bleiben mit denen sie an die Macht gekommen sind
Politik ist nicht die Kunst des Möglichen. Sie ist die Wahl zwischen Katastrophalem und Ungenießbarem